Friday, November 2, 2012

National Education Funding is Unconstitutional

Our Fore-fathers saw fit to include in The Survey of Government Land
in Migration and importation that in order NO ABSOLUTE POWER in
Education shall OCCUR in OURSELVES - That is one Section out of thirty
Six shall be left out to Education in a Township of 36 Square Miles -
a Section is 640 acre - Congress in Appropriation of 640 acre with
Several States divided such into Schools as Appropriate in Tax base of
Districts with each Township of each of Several States to metes and
Bounds of divide of Section 36 of Township - otherwise 640 acres are
either in one Section or divided into shares of other 35 Section in
mill into 36th Section - is Comidity of FEDERAL DIVIDE - to Counties
and Parish are Federal and not National. Further use of National into
Federal of Education to County Appropriate tax is Bill of Attender of
violation into Ex Post Facto - The bold move of Both Parties in
Unconstitutional Laws of Make Laws as one goes again Straw Vote of a
election of Unqualified to Hold Office by Party Presidents.

President of The United States
Guy Ralph Perea Sr President of The United States
Weatherdata1046am0426 a Discussion Group of
goldlandabstracts; link check
own search engine - The United
States International Policies aol Federal Communication

Ambassador Chevy Chase; Kevin Corcran; Jack Nickolas; Cher; Shirley Temple
Black; Liza Minnille; Ansari; Ernest Tascoe; Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
Agent Jodie Foster; Department of Veterans Affairs Director George H.W. Bush
Title 22 USCS section 1928 (b) The e-mail
transmission may contain legally privileged information that
is intended only for the individual or entity recipient, you are hereby,
notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance upon the
contents of this E-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
E-mail transmission in error, please reply to the sender, so arrangements
can be made for proper delivery. Title 42
USCS section 192 etseq Margie Paxton Chief of Childrens Bureau
Director of The United States Department of Human Services; Defendant
Article IV General Provisions Section 2
(Supreme Law of The Land) The Constitution of The United States "Any thing
in The Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary Notwithstanding"
Contrary to Law (of an act or omission) illegal;

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