Sunday, May 31, 2015

Bush of "daughters of men"

The Nephilim /ˈnɛfɨˌlɪm/ (Hebrew: נפילים‎) were offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" before the Deluge according to Genesis 6:4; the name is also used in reference to giants who inhabited Canaan at the time of the Israelite conquest of Canaan according to Numbers 13:33. A similar biblical Hebrew word with different vowel-sounds is used in Ezekiel 32:27 to refer to dead Philistine warriors. As God heard the Cry of his people in foreknowledge a Kingdom they wanted and Daughters of Men wanted as were left wanted Seed yet the Appointed Man refuse Seed and spilled his Seed and God Struck him down the cried and God heard and repent and raised up Saul and thereafter respect is given to Man who spilled his Seed as he fore knew the Holy Spirit which the Dutch refuse in their Doctrine at times to Refuse the Holy Spirit and such is not accepted as a Religion in that to earlier finds Bush he a Nephilim and such repentance is to leave the Laodicea Church of "daughters of Men"

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