Saturday, March 17, 2012

General of Code Dog stop the Em(T)bargo

Five bars worth visiting along the St. Patrick's Day Parade route
It may not be 'Emerald Isles,' but green beer will be flowing for miles
By Larry Mcshane / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Saturday, March 17, 2012, 2:41 AM
A pug named General gets a ride during the oldest and largest Saint
Patrick's Day parade on Long Island.
If you come thirsty to the St. Patty'sDay Parade here's a few places
where you can find a drink or two, or three...
1 . Doc Watson 's , 1490 Second Ave., sits east of the parade — and
promises the best pint of Guinness on the upper East Side. See for
2. Connolly's Pub & Restaurant, features live music all day at its
locations on either side of the parade: 121 W. 45th St. or 14 E. 47th
3. Kinsale Tavern , 1672 Third Ave. (between 93rd and 94th Sts.),
offers corned beef and cabbage along with its selection of single-malt
Scotch, Irish whiskey and 20-ounce pints.
4. Jimmy's Corner , 140 W. 44th St., is not an Irish bar — although
owner Jimmy Glenn is pals with ex-heavyweight Gerry Cooney . It's
heavy on boxing memorabilia, barely two blocks off Fifth Ave., and
worth a visit.
5. Nation , 12 W. 45th St., is as close as you can get to the
paradewhile sitting on a bar stool. It's a favorite for marchers
awaiting theirturn to follow the green line uptown.

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