Monday, March 19, 2012


Colorada, Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada did limit Metorology report
in for Political display - but enough data is gathered from other
states to forward Blizzard Warning for Montana, Western Nebraska, The
Dakotas, with Severe weather for Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas - The
Political States as stated funding model in States of Emergency can
not nor will not apply - to continue on the Storm Lander has Squall
and the following is the latest location of Gales, Thunderstorms, a
tornado location, hail and Blizzard condition Events -
mojave fair 32 19 59 nw28g38 29. 80r wci 18
dfw airport cloudy 71 64 78 s26g36 29. 76r
ftw meacham cloudy 69 64 84 s26g35 29. 72s
dal - executive cloudy 71 64 78 s24g35 29. 77r
ftw - alliance lgt rain 70 64 81 s24g38 29. 73r
ftw - spinks ptsunny 70 64 83 se21g40 29. 76f
arlington cloudy 70 64 81 s25g36 29. 75s
decatur cloudy 70 63 78 s23g36 29. 72s
stephenville ptsunny 70 63 78 s25g35 29. 74f
comanche n/a 70 63 78 s24g35 n/a
lufkin n/a 73 66 78 s9g165 n/a
minot cloudy 61 55 82 s24g35 29. 22
buffalo n/a 44 18 35 sw23g36 29. 25r
burley flurries 26 20 77 w24g35 29.63r wci 11
gillette clear 36 19 50 s26g38 29. 29r wci 24
lander mocldy 37 6 27 w12g47 29.30r squall wci 29
casper clear 30 18 60 sw28g41 29.37r wci 15
dallas love cloudy 72 63 73 s26g37 29. 74f
dal - executive ptsunny 71 63 75 s22g35 29. 75f
ftw - nas - jrb cloudy 71 62 73 s18g36 29. 77s
ftw - spinks ptsunny 70 63 78 s23g40 29. 75f
arlington cloudy 70 63 78 s23g40 29. 74f
grand prairie ptsunny 72 63 73 se23g36 29. 76f
addison ptsunny 72 63 73 se24g37 29. 75f
bowie cloudy 70 63 78 s17g37 29.69s
cleburne cloudy 70 66 88 s24g36 29. 76s
granbury cloudy 73 63 68 se25g3829. 72f
vernon n/a n/a n/a n/a ne10 29. 66f thunder
abilene - dyess hail 55 55 99 w10g26 29. 70r
wichita falls tstm 57 55 93 w10 29. 66f fog
breckenridge cloudy 73 61 64 s31g39 29. 64f
comanche ptsunny 72 63 73 s23g36 29. 72s
coleman cloudy 71 62 75 s26g37 29. 68r
fargo mosunny 66 57 72 se24g35 29. 50r
lawton/ft sill tstm 57 55 94 n9 29. 68 fog
frederick tstm 55 54 96 ne12 29. 64f fog
havre hvy snow 32 30 92 nw25g3529. 33r vsb m1/4 wci 19
* inverness n/a 29 28 96 nw29g37 n/a wci 14
* judith gap n/a 27 26 96 nw31g40n/a wci 11
baker sunny 46 19 34 sw23g35 29. 24r
beach sunny 46 21 37 s25g36 29. 21s
buffalo sd ptcldy 46 18 33 s28g3829. 24f
gillette sunny 39 19 45 s33g46 29. 28f wci 27
fargo ptsunny 66 57 73 se24g35 29. 50r
oklahoma city tstm 56 54 93 n6 29.75r fog
okc/tinker afb tstm 55 54 94 n13 29. 73 fog
stillwater tstm 55 54 94 calm 29. 75s fog
bartlesville tstm 55 55 100 vrb3 29.76r vsb 3/4
norfolk tstm 61 55 82 sw18g36 29.61r
tekamah ptsunny 73 59 61 s28g3629. 63f

President of The United States
Guy Ralph Perea Sr President of The United States
Weatherdata1046am0426 a Discussion Group of
goldlandabstracts <> The United
States International Policies aol Federal Communication

Ambassador Chevy Chase; Kevin Corcran; Jack Nickolas; Cher; Shirley Temple
Black; Liza Minnille; Ansari; Ernest Tascoe; Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
Agent Jodie Foster; Department of Veterans Affairs Director George H.W. Bush
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Director of The United States Department of Human Services; Defendant
Article IV General Provisions Section 2
(Supreme Law of The Land) The Constitution of The United States "Any thing
in The Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary Notwithstanding"
Contrary to Law (of an act or omission) illegal;

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